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From monthly archives: June 2017

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'June 2017'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

When Must You Consult The Family Advocate

You may consult the Family Advocate if you have a dispute relating to either the best interests of a child and/or parental responsibilities and rights.

There are also other circumstances under which the family advocate may be consulted...

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Sectional title: What Is The Role Of The Body Corporate?

When it comes to sectional title schemes, there is still widespread misunderstanding of even the basics, starting with the body corporate and how it is established, as well as what its functions and powers are. This misunderstanding often gives rise to many problems and disputes in sectional title schemes which could quite easily have been avoided.

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What are the Tenant and Landlord Duties?

When it comes to letting a property – both the tenant and the landlord should always enter into any letting agreements openly and honestly and intending for each party to get proper value. Often it’s the approach which the parties adopt which will determine whether the relationship between the parties and the benefits they derive therefrom is mutually satisfactory. Furthermore, there are important duties that each party is expected to do.

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The Difference Between a Strike and a Lockout

Workers have a right to strike, and employers have a right to lock out workers, if a dispute cannot be resolved. Certain procedures and certain limitations apply under certain conditions. Secondary strikes and pickets may also be held.

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