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We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'August 2015'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.
An authorised officer can confiscate your cellular device if you are caught using it in your car while driving. If you end up getting caught red-handed, these are a few things you should know to make sure that all the correct procedures are followed when your cellular device gets confiscated
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ʼn Huweliksvoorwaardeskontrak is 'n kontrak wat deur die betrokke partye onderteken word om die huweliksbedeling te reguleer. As 'n paartjie nie 'n huweliksvoorwaardeskontrak teken nie, sal die huweliksbedeling binne gemeenskap van goedere wees.
The idea of “the corporate workplace” has changed significantly in recent years. Today there are more women found in positions that were previously filled only by men.
Before the commencement of the Protection from Harassment Act 17 of 2011 which came into operation on 27 April 2013, obtaining an order for protection from harassment was lengthy and costly. The position has changed drastically since then.
Die wet van naamskending poog om balans te vind tussen die eiser se reg op reputasie, en 'n verweerder se reg op vryheid van uitdrukking – twee regte wat deur beide die gemenereg en in die Grondwet erken word.
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