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We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'September 2015'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.
It would be wise for employees to see the doctor on the same day that they feel ill, and for employers to insist on seeing the medical certificate and examining it properly.
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Dis die klassieke geval: Mandie ry 31 km/h oor die maksimum snelheidsperk in 'n poging om tred te hou met die res van die motors op die pad. Sy is onder die indruk dat sy bloot by die vloei van die verkeer hou toe sy skielik flitsende ligte in haar truspieël sien. Mandie aanvaar verkeersboetes as 'n “lewensfeit“ en beskou oortredings as die buig van reëls eerder as die pleeg van 'n misdaad.
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